
Wedding Castle in Portofino

Wedding Castle in Portofino

This gorgeous property is engulfed in fairytale gardens, overlooking Portofino’s Bay.
Looking down from its romantic terraces where you can have your outdoor wedding, the expansive view of the Gulf of Portofino is truly one of the best in the area.

Civil and symbolic ceremonies are allowed.

Number of guests:
Accommodates up to 200 guests.

Seasonal availability:
Open from April to October for private events.

Music is allowed until midnight; with the paid option of having two hours more (until 2 a.m).

No accommodations.

Catering is exclusive to the venue. To arrive at the Castle, you must go on foot by ascending staircase, it takes about 15 minutes.

To start your dream, book your first appointment

Wedding Castle in Portofino ultima modifica: 2018-07-06T12:29:26+02:00 da admin_ml