
To get married in Italy

Michela Lunardi Events / To get married in Italy

Paperwork to get married in Italy for New Zealander citizens. Once you decide to get married in Italy and especially where, you need to be informed about paperwork if you choose to have a legally binding wedding ! For the couples who book my Full-Service Wedding Planning I take care of the paperwork procedure together with my legal advisor who is specilized in legal weddings for foreign couples in Italy. Here's a summary of the paperwork procedure for a legal wedding in Italy for New Zealander citizens. Documents required for New Zealander citizens to...

Paperwork to get married in Italy Once you decide to get married in Italy and especially where, you need to be informed about paperwork if you choose to have a legally binding wedding ! For the couples who book my Full-Service Wedding Planning I take care of the paperwork procedure together with my legal advisor who is specilized in legal weddings for foreign couples in Italy. Please consult the Government of Canada website: https://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/italy-italie/consular_services_consulaires/marriage-mariage.aspx?lang=eng Here's a summary of the paperwork procedure for a legal wedding in Italy. Documents required for Canadian citizens to marry in Italy:...

How to get married in Italy for Australian citizens? Once you decide to get married in Italy and especially where, you need to be informed about paperwork for a legally binding wedding ! For the couples who book my Full-Service Wedding Planning I take care of the paperwork procedure together with my legal advisor who is specilized in legal weddings for foreign couples in Italy. Please consult the Italian consulate website: https://italy.embassy.gov.au/rome/marriage.html Two main documents are required for Australian citizens to get married in Italy: The Atto Notorio:  this should be obtained from the Italian Embassy or...

What is SIAE tax? SIAE is the Italian organization which collects the tax due for the use of works of artists and musicians protected by copyright, and redistributes it to the rightful owners and their publishers. The cost of this tax depends on the type of location, number of guests and  type of entertainment (it means if your reception is with dancing or not) . Normally for a wedding a SIAE permit costs from 350 to 500 Euros. If you have a DJ or a live band or recorded music through the...

Paperwork for UK citizens who are getting married in Italy. Once you decide to get married in Italy, you will need to be informed about paperwork if you choose to have a legally-binding wedding . For the couples who book my Full-Service Wedding Planning I take care of the paperwork procedure together with my legal advisor who is specilized in legal weddings for foreign couples in Italy. This is the Procedure when both parties are British nationals and both are residents in the United Kingdom. Please read about all the procedure on the UK government...

Paperwork for USA citizens to get married in Italy: Once you decide to get married in Italy, you will need to be informed about paperwork if you choose to have a legally-binding wedding . For the couples who book my Full-Service Wedding Planning I take care of the paperwork procedure together with my legal advisor who is specilized in legal weddings for foreign couples in Italy. Please consult the Italian consulate website for USA Citizens: https://it.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/marriage/ Here is a summary of the documents you must have in order to begin the process: -          Valid U.S passport -          Original...