
3 Top Wedding Venues for your legal ceremony in Lake Como

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civil wedding venues lake como villa balbianello

3 Top Wedding Venues for your legal ceremony in Lake Como

I’d like to recommend 3 top wedding venues that have become very popular where you can have your legal ceremony on the shores of Lake Como.

The following three wedding venues are among the top destinations to have a legal ceremony:

3 Top Wedding Venues in Lake Como for your legal ceremony.


The villa is property of the Town Hall and considered “The place from Heaven” is situated in Tremezzo and faces the peninsula of Bellagio. This venue is submerged in 70,000 square meters of botanical gardens with statues and fountains. From March to November, it is open to visitors from around the world who come to admire the century-old cedar and sequoia trees, tropical plants, the Rock garden and the Ferns valley, the Rhododendrons forest and the Bamboo garden.

This wedding venue has a famous lakeview terrace named “Terrazza delle camelie” with a beautiful panoramic view, where you can have your legal ceremony. In case of bad weather, you can have the ceremony inside where you can find a museum with beautiful statues. The ceremony  area will be reserved for 1 hour and 30 minutes and the celebration can take place in the morning at 11 a.m.  or in the afternoon at 4 p.m.

You will have to pay a base fee for a legal ceremony to the Town Hall (from 1800 Euros to 2200 Euros) and a guest fee to the Villa to rent the space (the guest fee amount depends on the number of guests and the day of the week, and varies from 800 Euros + VAT tax 22% , to 2,600 Euros + VAT tax 22%). Please be advised that only for outdoor ceremonies, you can throw fresh petals (but no rice), while inside you can’t throw anything.

Click here to have a look at my Elopement Package at this villa

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Located in Tremezzina, Villa Balbianello is  a luxury wedding venue for legal ceremonies, with a beautiful balcony, statues and breathtaking gardens . Wedding couples arrive from all around the world to get married at the stunning Loggia (terrace), with an incredible view of Lake Como and its  lavish nature all around. It’s opened all year round, but I would recommend to get married here from May to September.

Please be advised that you and your guests can arrive to this venue only by boat, and the venue is opened to visitors every day until 6 p.m. except on Mondays and Wednesdays. You can rent the space of Loggia for a maximum of 30 minutes and have the cocktail hour last no more than 2 hours and 30 minutes, both during the opening hours to public and after 6 p.m. when it’s closed.

Costs for the ceremony and cocktail hour depend on how many guests you have and the day you choose and varies from 2,100 to 9,000 Euros. You can’t throw fresh petals or rice. You can also have the reception at this Villa in Loggia Segrè or in the lake-view garden, but you’ll have to rent the marquees. Notice that the vendors are exclusive to the venue and must be chosen from their list. Lastly, there are no sleeping accommodations.

Click here to have a look at my Elopement Package at this villa.

civil wedding venues lake como villa balbianellocivil wedding venues lake como villa balbianelloCivil wedding venues in lake Como


Here is another wedding venue for your legal ceremony, offering a beautiful terrace on the lake. This is a four-star Villa hotel, surrounded by a botanical garden with wonderful flowers and exotic plants, and a private boat port. The hotel is open from April to October.

In this wedding venue, you can have your ceremony every day from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from 4 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. and you can stay without any additional costs for an extra hour (to 12 a.m. and to 6.30 p.m.). Costs vary from 2,500 to 3,000 Euros if you only have the ceremony.

Obviously, you can have the reception at the Villa  (in this case, the price for the ceremony is lower). In addition, you can rent rooms for the night (there are 11 standard rooms without lake views, 17 Deluxe lake-view rooms, and 2 beautiful suites). If you rent the venue exclusively, you can have music and an open bar until 1.a.m., otherwise the music has to end at 11 p.m.

Click here to have a look at my Elopement Package at this villa.

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And you, what would you chose for your dream civil ceremony?

Contact me to choose the right one for you!



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3 Top Wedding Venues for your legal ceremony in Lake Como ultima modifica: 2018-08-04T13:30:52+02:00 da Michela Lunardi
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